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Before humans or demons, there was the beast. During the creation of the world, the creator deity Umato gave birth to twelve animals: a Rat, an Ox, a Tiger, a Rabbit, a Dragon, a Snake, a Horse, a Goat, a Monkey, a Rooster, a Dog, and a Pig. Afterward, these animals wandered off into the new world and reproduced over the next few decades until their kin began interbreeding with each other and spawning new species that would extend past the original twelve. For instance, the Rat along with the Rabbit and Dog sired the whole generation of small mammalians such as weasels, badgers, porcupines, and moles. The Ox, responsible for most of the bovid kingdom. The Tiger alone fathered the entire feline kingdom known today. Fish and all aquatic creatures are a product of the Dragon. All reptiles are fostered by the Snake, and later amphibians with the help of the Dragon. The Horse and Goat brought forth the cervid family such as deer and elk.  Birds and those who take to the skies were all children of the Rooster. The Monkey created the primates and was considered the closest to replicating their mother's form, thus sparking the dominant species of the earth; Humans. 


Shilon and Gaowong Provinces

Elder Pandas

Elder pandas are large, docile, and lazy species of mammals. They are an important symbol to Shilon culture for representing both the yin and yang with it’s black and white fur and personality. They also make great travel partners and can effortlessly carry up to 2,000 pounds.


Xiao Rhinos

Shilonese Xiao Rhinos are worshiped and religiously respected. They have walked the earth for tens of thousands of years and willingly protected farmers from intruding bandits. With their sheer power and strength, they could make great weapons of war, but it is forbidden to interrupt their nature.


Red Pandas

Red Pandas (Also known as Red Wolverines) are vicious carnivorous species of mammals closely related to badgers and wolverines despite their name. Their mischievous and aggressive nature allows them to steal inventory from local markets, becoming apex scavengers. Taming these creatures is very popular among thieves and bandits.


Blossom-feathered Doves

Blossom-feathered doves are actually a species of sparrow that evolved its feathers to match the blossom trees that Jing Lee has planted over the years. Camouflaged to stay hidden from the red pandas, their most common predators.



A great elder panda resting after a long travel.



Meiling's Red Panda (left) and a Pale Peafowl (right)


Shilon Gaowong
Elder Pandas
Xiao Rhinos
Red Pandas

Pale Peafowl

Pale Peafowl are a very common species of flightless birds that reside near local ponds, their feathers are pure white hence the name. Despite their beauty, they are among the most aggressive and annoying creatures in Shilon, they often attack locals and are completely immune to fear. People often label these birds as ‘false demons’.

Brownback Pangolins

Pangolins, along with the Shilonese Rhinoceros, are one of the oldest creatures in Shilon, but even older. They are walking defensive omnivores that can roll up into a defensive ball and roll away. Their success at staying alive for so long relies on their armor, which is proven to be impenetrable. Because of this, they have no predators, tamers, or poachers of any kind.

Pale Peafowl
Brownback Pangolins

Central Midora

Bamboo Crane

Bamboo crane have legs that can stretch up to 5 feet, all while imitating the bamboo shoot. No one really knows the purpose of these, but if Elders Pandas were faster, these birds would surely go extinct by now.


Field Toads

Field Toads are docile, arm-less, amphibian creatures that have created a special relationship with humans. They stand around rice farms and feed off of invasive insects like locusts. They are not very resistant to sunlight however, which is why they require a straw hat while staying on farm watch.

Corrupted Roosters

Corrupted Roosters are invasive creatures who were unfortunately poisoned by the shadow rot infection and have mutated into overgrown beasts. They only live for a few weeks, but they are enormous, and aggressive. If you cook the meat right however, you can kill the shadow rot off the corpse making it safe to eat. And with their size they can feed an entire village for a week.


Ink damped Tortoise

Ink damped tortoises are a travel mount that is the closest relative to the dying species of the Black Tortoise, the species that spawned from the celestial Genbu. They may be slow but they are completely resistant of exhaustion and can walk the earth as long as it wants carrying up to over 10,000 lbs (4500 kg). They feed off fish and can be properly mounted by dangling one in front of the tortoise, which will cause it to chase it at 7 mph for eons on end.



The whiskered field toad with a custom made hat. 



An ink damped tortoise and their endless yearn for the fish.



A Jade Fire Mantis in a bottle.


Bamboo Crane
Field Toads
Corrupted Roosters
Ink Damped Tortoise

Field Pythons

Field Pythons are a large reptilian species related to the anaconda, similar to the field toad, they can bond with humans and work together. But instead of protecting the crops from insects, they scare off and feast on rodents that try to sneak into the farm. 


Dumpling Monkeys

Dumpling head monkeys are amongst the most sly of the macaques and are mostly found in populated cities such as Tanjuro and have made a reputation for stealing food and worthless artifacts. Their names derive from both their nature of terrorizing Tanjuro's hospitality and the fact that their head and hair structure are very reminiscent of a dumpling. It is unknown which of these reasons for the name came first. 

Jade Fire Mantis

Jadefire Mantises are a species of wise and powerful mantises that are considered yaoguai more than actual insects. Their kind is ancestored from a lone male mantis thousands of years ago, who took to the wisdoms of Yu Wushi after failing to suit a mate. 


Field Pythons
Dumpling Monkeys
Jade fire Mantis

Northern and Centeral Monkhu


Uyanga rams, also known as War rams or the stars of the great Monkhu sky, are a species of sheep similar to the mountain ram that are culturally sacred for their use as mounts for the Monkhu horde in the higher regions of the mountain where the steep terrain and freezing temperatures are too encumbering for the horses of the Great Steppes. Once docile and preyed upon until they were domesticated by man, where they're now known for their ruthlessness and urge to trample and crush a human skull in the war-ridden fields. Upon death, their skulls would be harvested and placed down to their offspring for them to wear to battle, ridden by the same jockey. Uyanga Rams represent strength through resilience and willingness to change and become stronger.



Totgor are a fierce breed of mythical wolves that appear only in violent winter storms where they stalk and hunt their prey, which consists of the cowardly and dying humans. When the storm clears the traces of wolves are nowhere to be seen, leaving behind nothing but the skin of their hunted prey, hollowed of all of their blood and inners. They became embedded in Monkhu culture during the rise of Arku Khan, who tamed a totgor into submission and used it to hunt down his enemies. They are considered death spirits affiliated with the goddess Umato according to many mountain shamans who worship her. A common practice among these shamans and many in Monkhu culture is to march directly into storming blizzards as a rite of passage. For it is said that the totgor only prey on the frail and complacent, and they will leave the strong and courageous alone. The Totgor represents strength through courage, relentlessness, and domination, the higher to stand against an unbeatable opponent as well as the mercy you share with those weaker; none. 



A hunter with a black eagle (left) and a calvary soldier with an uyanga (right)



Arku Khan is his tamed Totgor.



An Orgayln Aimaral with his young. 



A Tuskunovna Yak.


Orgayln Aimaral

Orgayln Aimaral (meaning "river ape") are omnivorous great apes armed with tusks and thick black fur to withstand the cold. They are highly territorial and due to this are highly respected by the Monkhu people. They are often found in riverbanks where they mark their territory and kill anything that gets within. Due to the rivers being the prime source of water for the village folk, it is seen as another opportunity to seek a high repute by taking it by force. The Orgayln Aimaral in Monkhu culture represents strength through assertion and preservation and the lengths you are willing to reach to protect your values. 


Tuskunovna Yak

The Tuskunovna Yak are a bovine species with immense viscous fur that can allow a human's entire forearm to sink inside. They are also the only mammalians who can store heat not just inside their fur but around it. Meaning anyone within a meter can transmit the warmth and stand through the harsh cold by simply mounting them. Despite their hide making great coats, this effect is only practical when theyre alive. The Tuskunobna Yak represents strength through selflessness and warm love.


Black Eagles

Falconry is important to Monkhu culture and hunting. Black eagles are exceptional at maintaining a relationship with the huyve (and the huyve only). They can see every detail within a 30-mile radius and can fly at nearly 80 mph (128 kph), all during a raging blizzard as well. Unlike most of the fauna in the Monkhu region, these birds offer no vigor or resilience and are forced to face the mountain's wrath through tactical means and how they soar against the wind. The Black Eagle represents strength through intelligence and the means to approach danger through a keen eye.


Orgayln Aimaral
Tuskunovna Yak
Black Eagles

Tekkanese Islands


Koicodiles are an ancient reptilian species revered for their beautiful scales and genetic breeding in high Tekkanese culture. They are considered the 'closest' relative of the dragon; the fifth of the zodiacs, due to keeping features such as their colorful scales, whiskers, fins, teeth, and long snout. This species would eventually lose its divinity over time leading their form reduced to the order of semiaquatic reptiles known today as crocodilians. However, due to their cultural significance, the koicodile were preserved through specific breeding to maintain and regain the true form of the dragon and its divine symbolism. 


Today koicodiles are very common and expensive pets for the wealthy in underground industries such as the Najimu, who replaced the koi fish of their ponds with koicodiles to assert intimidation among rival clan members. 


Red-Capped Swan

The Red-Capped Swan is a large species of bird that reaches a maximum of 12 feet in height. They are very popular and respected in Tekkanese art and culture. With their massive wingspan, they are able to be used as mounts to reach high peaks for foraging. Despite being native to northern Tekkan, they migrate to places like Gaowong and Monkhu to gather special nest material that cannot be found in Tekkan.


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A Taisho Sanke , one of the more common koicodile morphs.



Flock of Red-Capped Swan.


Red Capped Swan


Ushiogane Beetles are a corrupted version of the standard stag beetle that continually grow as they age, which is a maximum of 600 years on average. Ushiogane larva starts off as small as a microphonic spec, at 5 years they grow to 3 inches, then 30 inches, and so forth. The Ushiogane used in battle is on average a century old weighing 450 lbs (204 kg), but it seldom stops there. The insect can also grow new ligaments, abdomens, legs, horns, etc, their exoskeleton also grows thicker over time to closer resemble their first spawn, Omukade the Hundred-Legged Beast


Ao Macaques

Ao Macaques are a spin-off species to the common Tekkanese macaque who found themselves increasingly addicted to drinking the water laced with azure oil after a refinery incident during the early years of the Industry Era. With water being replaced with azure oil for these monkeys their skin has turned blue and lifespan halved. However, in return, they are more agile and stronger than the average macaque. Thus giving the oil industry an impulse to further the research on azure oil. 


Ao Macaques

Lord Uchiyori and his Ushiogane.



A domesticated tanuki.



A Great Carp Whale.


Great Carp Whale

Great Carp Whales are one of the most unintentionally deadly creatures in the ocean. They have a tendency to get excited around other whales and humans, which triggers ‘play-time’, which consists of breaching out of the water to a large height and crashing down back into the ocean. These creatures weigh up to 55,000 lbs (25,000 kg), and they do it around humans, which results in hundreds of deaths per year for fishermen.



Tanuki (also known as the raccoon dog) are a canine species that despite having no relation shares appearance and personality traits with the common raccoon. They even mimic or intimidate other animals like stray cats and dogs and will often resort to submitting to humans by using their cute likeness as a manipulation tactic to get free hospitality. In folklore, they can sometimes be identified as yokai or spirit-like entities that possess the ability to shapeshift similar to that of foxes and kitsune. In the shrines dedicated to them, they are illustrated in an overly dramatic and humorous display, depicting them with large backpacks around their shoulders or jars of sake around their waist. Except they are not backpacks nor jars. 


Great Carp Whale

Surochi and Southern Monkhu

Snying po-che

Snying po-chen pangolins (Also known as roamer pangolins) are a native species to Surochi that seemingly escaped the destruction of Yamamura by outrunning it. In evolution, they sacrificed their thick indestructible armor for a bird-like anatomy and longer back legs, allowing them to travel at incredible speeds. This pangolin is famously used by Surochi scavengers to roam the wasteland because wandering the desert on foot is merely a death sentence.


Bishgene dogs (also known as Taru dogs) are feliform carnivoran mammals that were originally native to the steppes of far western Surochi but made their way to the east after Yamamura molded the desert into a wasteland. They travel in packs and gnaw at the bones and rotten flesh of slain yaoguai. They are vicious and hold a belly that is seldom satiated.



Scavengers riding Snying po-che


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Bishgene feasting on the remains of Rou Shan.


Snying Po Che

Huangh Xiaeh

Huangh Xiaeh (meaning "red scorpion") are immense scorpions that burrow beneath the sands of eastern Surochi and are considered one of the only species to survive the events of Yamamura. Like the corrupted rooster, the huangh xiaeh are inflicted with the shadow rot disease and are considered yaoguai. They primarily feed off bishgene dogs by mimicking rotting yaoguai corpses while burrowing in the sand to lure in scavengers and ambushing them with an instant paralyzation sting. 


Huangh Xiaeh

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