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Jade Mages

Jade Mages, also known as the Yu Wushi, are a group of monks who worship the first of the Three Taos; Wisdom. Originating in ancient Shilon, this religion can be traced back to the Lost History era over 3130 years ago. Stapled as a cultural treasure not just in Shilon but through the Midora, Haisong, and Gaowong provinces and has even reached as far as the islands of Tekkan. Those who practice this ideology and master it can harness the inner energy that flows through all life, also known as Qi. Doing so requires a great amount of spiritual strength and enlightenment. Those who are in distraught or disfigured anger will not be able to harness qi and the jade magics. The road to learning the art requires meditating and mastering the mind, letting go of all rage.  


Hundreds of temples and shrines are built to practice inner enlightenment, the largest one being the Jinju Temple in northern Shilon, owned by the present reincarnate of the original Sage of Wisdom, also known as the Jinsei. The current one being a bronze statue unknowingly brought to life that roams the valleys collecting lost souls in his giant gourd.


Lead monk of the Jade mage clan.


The Monk

Anhai (2).jpg

A young pupil who studied Jade Magic.


The Student

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Uses Jade magic.

Jing Lee

The Curator

HarumaHiroyasu (2).jpg

Former Jademage.


The Demon


The standard jade monk



Jademages performing for the Shilon Lunar Parade. 

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